BAROQUE London /Important Notice of temporarily closure for Tier 4
Dear customers,
We are incredibly sad to inform you that Baroque Hair & Nails will be temporarily closed on 20th December abide by the Government’s Tier 4 rules. We will announce by email and update on website about reopen of the salon to have further announcement.
We are terribly sorry but bookings during this period are going to be cancelled automatically. Please give us a call and we are more than happy to reschedule your booking.
Online Booking is the quickest way to book appointment even during the Tier 4.
We hope all of you will stay safe and we look welcoming you back to Baroque again Next year!
Kind regards,
Tier 4ルールによる臨時休業のお知らせ
いつもBaroque Hair&Nails をご利用いただきありがとうございます。
政府から発表されましたTier 4のルールに従い、12 月20日の日曜日から臨時休業致します。再開に関しましては政府からの新しい情報が入り次第、追ってご連絡させて頂きます。休業期間に頂いております予約は自動的にキャンセルとなりますのでご了承ください。
Thank you for choosing BAROQUE Hair and Nails
We are delighted to announce that hair and nails are will reopen from the 2nd of December!
Please visit our website and make your appointment.
(For a booking with Hiroki please call or email us directly).
Click here to book an appointment online
We are trying our best to accommodate as many of you as we can whilst also keeping safety as our number one priority. Following government guidelines, we are therefore limit the number of clients and stylists in the salon at any one time. We understand that this may mean it isn’t always easy to get your preferred time slot or day and we ask for your patience for the time being.
<Guidelines for clients coming to the salon>
Following government advice we kindly ask all clients who are coming to the salon to be aware of the following:
– Please wear a mask or face covering
– Please use the hand sanitizer located at the reception
– Please understand that we cannot serve you any drinks
– Please understand that we are not providing magazines (tablet are available)
– Please understand that we cannot provide any massage services at this time
– Please understand that we cannot serve a client who has a fever, is in poor physical condition, or is in quarantine
-Please come to the salon alone where possible
Thank you for your understanding and we will do our best to make sure our salon is a safe environment for all our clients.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our salon and hope to see you all soon!
いつもBaroque Hair and Nailsをご利用頂きまして誠に有難うございます。